Our Tools
Barrett Values & Culture Assessment
As certified providers of the world-renowned Barrett Values Centre Culture Transformation Tools (CTT), we have access to a comprehensive range of diagnostic tools that enable us to strategically analyse, assess & monitor organisational culture across a variety of criteria.

These include:
- Current and desired levels of organisational maturity and consciousness;
- Organisational health as measured through the presence of healthy versus potentially limiting organisational values;
- The financial impact of the potentially limiting values identified;
- Experienced versus desired organisational culture; and
- Organisational and individual values and behaviours.
The assessment tools are customisable and easily accessible via a web interface, and reports can be prepared to compare the outcomes for different demographics e.g. business units/ teams/ sites within your organisation. With the data gathered, we assist you in using the results to direct and guide the design of your human capital strategies and organisational transformation programmes.
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EQ-i 2.0 & EQ 360 Emotional Intelligence Assessments
Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we: perceive and express ourselves; develop and maintain social relationships; cope with challenges; and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way. Emotional intelligence is estimated to account for up to 45% of job success!

As certified providers of EQ-i 2.0 & 360, we offer one of the most advanced and scientifically validated emotional intelligence assessment tools in the world. Based on the work by Reuven Bar-On, the EQ-i 2.0® measures a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way people perceive and express themselves, develop and maintain relationships, cope with life and work challenges and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.
The EQ-i 2.0 measures an individual’s emotional and social strengths and weaknesses across five distinct categories, each with three sub categories, which together create a Total Emotional Intelligence score:
- Self-Perception: Self-Regard, Self-Actualization, Emotional Self-Awareness
- Self-Expression: Emotional Expression, Assertiveness, Independence
- Interpersonal: Interpersonal Relationships, Empathy, Social Responsibility
- Decision Making: Problem Solving, Reality Testing, Impulse Control
- Stress Management: Flexibility, Stress Tolerance, Optimism
- Well-Being Indicator: Happiness
The EQi 360 allows for a 360 degree review of an individual's EQ - a most powerful perspective for either team development or individual leadership development. The following case studies give examples of how EQ-i 2.0 has impacted organisations.
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Time to Think Facilitation Tools
We are certified Time to Think facilitators and as such both apply and teach the Nancy Kline, Time to Think principles and constructs.
For knowledge workers particularly, it is their ability to think, and apply that thinking, in terms of their training and experience that determines success. At SHCC we see the implementation of Time to Think principles as foundational to being a thriving and successful team.

With the Time to Think principles and constructs, we assist individuals and teams to establish the habits and practices, and create the conditions, that allow them to do their best possible individual and collective thinking. The Time to Think principles include:
- Respecting that we all have an equal ability to think for ourselves;
- The mind at ease thinks better;
- Encouraging each other to think outside of the box;
- Diversity challenges the limitations in our thinking;
- Appreciation costs nothing;
- We need facts before fiction.
We run workshops for teams that both teach these principles AND offer learning opportunities in applying these through: Rounds; Continuous Rounds; Thinking Pairs; Transforming Meeting (Teams & Boards); and a Thinking Council.
Team Effectiveness Assessment
If teams are the critical building blocks in successful organisations, how can you ensure that all the teams in your organisation – irrespective of their size, inter-relatedness with others, point in their lifecycle, composition etc. – operate effectively and optimally?

Combining our own experience of high performing teams with the work of others, we developed a team effectiveness model that guides teams in tracking all the critical elements required for them to be exceptional. The model ensures that both the right metrics are considered and, even more importantly, that the right conversations are had about the right issues for a specific team at any given point in time.
Irrespective of function, all teams should ultimately be focused on achieving outcomes that directly or indirectly support the overall organisational vision, strategies and goals. In order to do this in an orchestrated manner there are key elements that need to be in place in every team. In brief these are:
- Clarity about the team purpose, values and goals in the context of the overall organisation;
- Relationships that enable optimal collaboration;
- Team goals that translate into execution with everyone knowing who should do what and by when;
- Tracking & reviewing performance; and
- Learning together & making adjustments where needed.
We will guide your team through this assessment, and then facilitate in depth conversations on the issues identified, ensuring that changes are addressed and shifts are made towards exceptional team performance.
See this Blog Article for a discussion of Team Leadership.
Culture Change Tools
Our set of Culture Change Tools (from the Barrett Value Centre) enables us to translate something as intangible as values and culture into powerful metrics, making it possible not only to track the 'state of the organisation' but also to measure and compare the personal values of the employees (as a whole or in different groups) with those of the current culture of the organisation, and those of the desired culture. These provide a basis from which to actively measure and manage culture and culture change. This includes an indication of potentially limiting values and behaviours, those that could have a negative impact on productivity in an organisation.
We can help you use this information to design and implement a culture transformation strategy that supports your overall business strategies.
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Team-focused Personality & Conflict Style Profiling
Where many other psychometric tools assess the individual only, SDI interrogates the individual's motivations and likely behaviours in relationships with others.

Done in a team context, this powerful tool gives team members a colour-coded visual expression of each other's natural preferences that are likely to impact the team dynamic. It provides a rich tapestry of information about the individuals in a group context, including: What their deepest motivations are when relating to others; the type of team environment in which they will perform optimally; and how they prefer to be acknowledged (complemented and rewarded), i.e. how to get the best out of them.
The tool also gives deep insight into how individuals predictably respond in the different phases of conflict. As individuals learn to understand their behaviours and how these change in conflict, as well as the behaviours of those they work with, it provides a powerful platform to optimise relationships and building conflict competent teams.
The team leader's understanding and consciousness of their own conflict sequence and that of the individuals in their team, can contribute hugely to their effective management of the team. Find out more about how you could use this as part of building a high performing team and read here for a summary of the tool.
Also read our article published in FinWeek on how to 'How to deal effectively with conflict'.
(SDI) Strength Deployment Inventory Assessments
The Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) was developed from the premise that effective interpersonal relationships lie at the foundation of organisational success.

Effective relationships are enabled when people that work together understand themselves and co-workers and the behaviour choices they typically make – both when things are going well and during conflict – and then learn to adjust these as appropriate.
Unlike other personality assessments, the SDI goes beyond behaviour to identify the motivation behind behaviour – answering "why" individuals act the way they do. It becomes easier to accept a person's actions when you understand what drives them from within. The SDI is unique in the way it displays results as a group so participants can see their own results and the dynamics of their entire team in a highly memorable colour based format. Plus, by measuring motivation and conflict, the SDI is actually two assessments in one. Find out more below about how we use this tool to help our clients build high performing teams.
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16PF-type Online Personality Assessment
In collaboration with a UK based associate firm, Strategic Human Capital Consulting offers a fifteen-scale MBTI type Personality Questionnaire structured around the widely accepted "Big Five" model of personality. According to this model, the diverse array of human personality traits can be effectively summarised by the five broadly independent domains that are generally labelled as Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Emotional Stability (or "Resilience").
This tool provides individuals with valuable insight into their natural preferences and how these might play a role in their current level of effectiveness.
Contact us to explore how this excellent assessment, combined with coaching, can assist your professional development journey.
Individual & Team Values Assessment
Values are the deeply held beliefs and principles that impact how we live our lives and make our decisions. Individuals express their values through their lived out behaviours, while organisations express their values through their culture as represented by structures, systems, processes, traditions and leadership.

Alignment between employees' personal values and organisational values leaves individuals with a sense of congruency, which has a huge impact on employee engagement, thus productivity and thus the financial bottom line.
The values assessment provides a myriad of valuable analyses, including:
- An individual or group's chosen top 10: personal values and behaviours; perceived values and behaviours of the current organisational culture; desired values and behaviours of the organisational culture. Also where values are aligned (individually or in groupings) and where there is misalignment.
- A Business Needs Scorecard. This focuses on six key areas of business needs recognised as necessary for high performance: Finance (profitability); Fitness (performance); Client relations; Evolution (new products and services); Culture; and Societal contribution - and translates the values and behaviours chosen by the group into a type of balance scorecard.
This powerful data can be used as part of a coaching process with an individual leader or as part of an organisation-wide transformation process. It is also a powerful tool for Mergers and Acquisitions.
Email us to find out how an Individual & Team Values Assessment can make a difference in your role as leader and in your organisation.
Employee Engagement Assessment
Employee engagement speaks to the extent to which employees are committed to their organisation, how hard they work, whether they are likely to stay and, importantly, how productive they are as measured by the level of their discretionary effort. Disengaged employees, on the other hand, are costing companies millions!
Strategic Human Capital Consulting has developed a customisable Engagement Questionnaire that assesses engagement in an organisation across four dimensions namely:
- the Individual employee;
- the relationship with his/her manager;
- as a member of his/her team;
- and as Member of the Organisation.
This 28-point questionnaire does not focus on individual engagement results but rather on comparing, for example, engagement in units and overall in the organisation. It provides a strategic level barometer and and enables directed interventions or further exploration.
We help our clients implement the Employee Engagement Barometer and then use it to track engagement levels on a regular basis. In addition, with the available data we assist clients with the appropriate people strategies to improve employee engagement and remedy problems raised.
Click here for a case study about how we used this tool in combination with others to do an in depth analysis for a client.
Alpha Male (& Female) Strengths & Risks Assessment
Exceptional individual brilliance often comes with liabilities. So while your Alpha characteristics might well be getting you ahead and are a big part of what makes you so valuable to the organisation of which you are part, the associated Alpha liabilities are very likely also your downfall.

For example, think how Steve Jobs was fired from the organisation he started.
This assessment unpacks the Alpha leader's strengths as:
- Alpha Visionary;
- Alpha Strategist;
- Alpha Commander;
- Alpha Executor;
as well as the statistically likely accompanying risks or liabilities. It is often these that counter Alphas' effectiveness yet Alphas are too frequently oblivious of these. Identifying and acknowledging these is the first step towards a self-aware and effective Alpha leader.
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Contact us to take you through the Worth Ethic diagnostic tool and receive follow up coaching on making the most of your assets and limiting your liabilities.
360 degree Leadership Review
One of the most powerful ways an executive leader can invest in their leadership development journey is to do a 360 degree Leadership Assessment that asks for structured feedback from an array of assessors. Strategic Human Capital Consulting provides a number of 360 degree review options.

In addition to an SHCC customised leadership review process (see an example here), we are an accredited provider of two different 360 degree assessments namely the Leadership Values Assessment (LVA) and Leadership Development Report (LDR), both developed by the world-renowned Barrett Values Centre.
Allowing for anonymous feedback and comments from up to 25 associates, these values-based 360 degree assessments give the leader objective feedback on a combination of 26 critical areas of leadership competences (LDR), and a comparison between espoused values and the behaviours observed by the commentators (LVR). The feedback is presented within a holistic model that explores seven levels of leadership consciousness. Emphasis is placed on the leader's strengths, areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.
To do a preliminary assessment of the leadership level at which you are currently operating, as plotted on this Leadership model, please complete the following Leadership_Self_Assessment.
Contact us for more detail on how one of these 360 degree Leadership assessments can help direct your leadership development journey.
Leadership Core Strengths & Weaknesses Assessment
Most leaders have a relatively good sense of their own strengths. However, it's often our weaknesses we are blissfully unaware of. Those around us, however, vividly see and experience the impact of these. Our weaknesses are often our strengths overdone. Self-confidence overdone, comes across as arrogance; helpfulness as smothering etc.
Having clarity about your own strengths can bring focus and direction to your leadership, equally, an understanding of your potential liabilities or overdone strengths can help you limit your risks and improve your effectiveness dramatically.
We have a selection of tools that can assist leaders with this process either as part of individual coaching or a group team-building exercise.
See also:
Cultural Diversity Questionnaire
In a South-African context, we all too often make the mistake of seeing diversity as primarily a colour issue. However, at Strategic Human Capital Consulting we like to see diversity as a richness that goes beyond colour and can significantly improve the creativity, problem solving and thinking of an organisation .
The Cultural Diversity Questionnaire looks at diversity from a personality preference perspective and unpacks the personality preferences we have in common with people from cultures or racial groups different from ours. We generally use this tool as part of our Diversity Workshop; a three-day breakaway that challenges team's thinking on diversity and helps us move from being politically correct to truly knowing each other deeply.
Read our case study example of implementing this for a client.
The 'Pathfinder' Skills/Competences Assessment
The Strategic Human Capital Consulting 'Pathfinder' is an assessment that systematically assesses and unpacks an individual's skills and competences across 11 categories: Verbal Communication, Non Verbal Communication, Written Communication, Training/Consulting, Analyze, Plan and Organize, Interpersonal Relations, Management, Financial, Administrative and Create and Innovate.
In addition, the Pathfinder categorises those skills and competences that the individual actually likes to use and those they don't.
This tool assists in addressing the often heard complaint of 'I can do many things, but what should I actually be doing?', and is often used together with things like the 16PF-type Online Personality Assessment and (SDI) Strength Deployment Inventory Assessments to guide individuals in their development journey.
Contact us to help you design a coaching journey assisted by this and/or some of our other tools discussed.